"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the save harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (Marc Twain)

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012

Mail von meiner Hostmum :)

"Hi Isabell,

Wow, I can't believe you will be here in 3 weeks!  You must be busy preparing.  Did you receive your visa?

I was wondering what you like to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner so I make sure I have food here that you like.  We usually have cereal and/or toast for breakfast, sandwiches, pasta or salad for lunch and a variety of things for dinner.  We also have a lot of vegetables and fruit in the house.  What kind of milk do you like?  We have an espresso machine for coffee and also keep tea in the house (Melanie drinks tea).  We don't usually have soda or juice in the house (we mostly drink water) but I can buy some for you if you like it.  

Let me know if you have any questions as you're preparing for your trip.  Everyone is very excited to meet you.


Diese Mail habe ich heute von Valeria bekommen. Habe mich voll gefreut, als ich sie gelesen habe. Finde es echt süß, dass sie sich so Gedanken macht, was ich gerne esse und so. Ich bin da ja zum Glück einfach, was das angeht. Esse ja eigentlich alles :) Bin schon ziemlich gespannt auf das amerikanische Essen.
Schön, dass sie sich so auf mich freuen.. Ich freue mich auch bald bei ihnen zu sein.
Habe ein richtig gutes Gefühl bei meiner Hostfamily :)

Übrigens: Nur noch 18 Tage!!!

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